Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 78

Hey howdy hey!
So, Tomorrow we were supposed to have our interviews in Gallatin, but in true Elder Martin fashion, I got ETed again to Thompson Station where another elder had medical problems and had to go home. So i yet again get Jewwed out of an interview and my iPad...  Oh well.
So i don't have much to talk about... the people that we were teaching that i did happen to meet while in Gallatin all went to jail this past week, So that's a thing.  
  The weather was super great last week though... like Super great, 60's and low 70's and a tornado and stuff!
Oh, and i'm with Elder Cherry now.  He seems really cool so far, so it should be a good couple of weeks.
Welp, that's all i got folks.
Love Ya'll
-Elder Martin

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