Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 77

Hey howdy hey! 
So last tuesday morning is when i left for Gallatin, it was 7 degree's in Murray, i get to gallatin and BOOM 48 or so degrees...  and its been about that or higher ever since.  So that's been pretty great.
We've had some pretty crazy times already here in Gallatin, i'm with Elder Cragun (from the MTC!!!) which is sweet, I've always wanted to serve with him.   
  We had this MLC meeting on Sunday with all the ZL's in the mission and all the stake presidents and Elder Meredith, the Area 70.  And since i'm chilling with the ZL's i went.  It was a good meeting, it was mainly just about goal's for the mission and such.
We also had this "Meet the Mormons" night at our church which was great, we had i think over 20 investigators there.  President Andersen spoke, and then Brother Halverson spoke... Brother Halverson is the CES guy for the area and holy cow....  He was incredible.  He did a Q&A thing after his presentation which he blew away everyone with.  He's one of the smartest people about the gospel that i think I've ever met!  So it was great listening to him
As for what will happen with where i'll be after this whole thing gets done.  I'll be going back to Murray most likely sometime next week. 
That's all for now folks!
Love Ya'll!
-Elder Martin

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