Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 8

Holy Cow! I'm already pretty much done with the first transfer!! CRAZY! Lets see what happened this week... Ahh yes, we had exchanges again, i went to a city called Winchester. About the same size as lewisburg, but alto less ghetto. The apartment there was Quite nice too! But i think they're going to close that area, things are just too slow over there... So it was a slow couple days as you might imagine. But back in Lewisburg we had on a couple occasions, people talked to us about wanting to find a new church to go to. But alas they cant come to ours cuase we don't have a building in town and no one on that side of town has cars to go anywhere... What Lewisburg really needs is a church building, they have enough people to make a branch and there would be Tons of investigators we could get to go if we had one. Oh and we had Zone Conference this week too. Learned a lot! In fact You guys should invite anyone and everyone you know who isn't a member to do the 21 day Book of Mormon Challenge! It's where they read pray about the BofM everyday and go to church for 3 weeks, and if they do, they Will get a testimony of it and of the church. And that's a promise from our mission president... So it works. I mentioned to a couple of you that i found out when the second coming is... It's 2033. In the scriptures it talks about Jesus coming back in the beginning of the 7th seal, does it not? Well that's what i believe 2012 will be the start of the 7th seal, where God instead of trying to convince men through the spirit will convince them through natural disasters. It also says in the scriptures that the heavens will be closed for half an hour (Convincing men through the elements not the Spirit), Well half an hour in Gods time is equal to about 21 years and it says that Christ will show his face to the people once that half hour is up.... so if it starts in 2012, then it ends in 2033! And it never says that man won't ever know the Year of his coming... Only the Day and the Hour. In fact it says in D&C that it will happen in the "Year of His Redeemed"(Christ) So 2000 years after his death... being again, 2033! And that is my reasonings... But i am out of time, so goodbye Love Elder Martin

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