So... Lets see, to start off the week (I mentioned to some of you
that it was raining really hard all day last monday) we had some
pretty good flooding, in fact later that day we were going with the
spanish elders to an appointment and we drove through a big ol' puddle
that was Alot deeper then it led on... We pretty much floated through
it. It got like halfway up the car, so i'm thinking of suggesting to
the vehicle coordinator to get snorkle kits for all the cars... :)
Oh and also that day we were in a tornado watch, and neighboring
city's were in tornado warnings... Crazy stuff. Three funnel clouds
formed over one city. but it was hardley windy where we were.
We had a zone meeting on wednesday and one of the senior couple elder
gave a training which was AWESOME! mind blowing really... He has
like a masters degree in archeology, and has studied alot about the
book of mormon and its more physical proofs. I won't go into detail
on most of it, but he started off the training by saying that he found
some mistakes in the book of mormon... So we were all like "ummm... is
this guy really supposed to be out on a mission?" But he was
referring to mistakes that Moroni made, not Joseph Smith... and that
it actually proves that Joseph Translated it, not made it up... He
showed us 2 places, one in Alma 50: 32 ( i think thats where it was)
and Alma 53: 3. Lets see if any of you can find what it is... :)
We've been teaching alot of crazy southerners this week. The things
they say.... oh ho ho, it can get pretty funny. this one lady once
said, and i quote, " But what if you no can!? What if you no can?!?"
(i may have mentioned this last week, cant remember.)
But we had another run in with Roy, that crazy guy who worships the
clam shell with Jesus in it. We were walking Thomas (who lives across
the street) home one night, and roy yells from across the street,
"Is that your car?! Is that your car right there?!' cause there was a
car that i guess wasn't normally there at Thomas' other neighbors
And we're like "Nah, were on foot today"
"Cause iv'e seen that car the past couple days and I think they're
trying to break in to that house!"
us "Oh really?" Not really believing him at all... he is Roy afterall.
so Roy walks over with his crazy man walk and looks at the car in closer detail
" I think they are in there right now!"
were walking towards home now cause it's almost 9, so we don't really
hear what happens next. But as we get about a quarter mile away up
the hill, We see a cop zooming by, and i'm like '.... i bet it was
roy....." and it totally was, he called the cops on them... It turned
out to just be the guys girlfriend...
Oops out of time
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