Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 77

Hey howdy hey! 
So last tuesday morning is when i left for Gallatin, it was 7 degree's in Murray, i get to gallatin and BOOM 48 or so degrees...  and its been about that or higher ever since.  So that's been pretty great.
We've had some pretty crazy times already here in Gallatin, i'm with Elder Cragun (from the MTC!!!) which is sweet, I've always wanted to serve with him.   
  We had this MLC meeting on Sunday with all the ZL's in the mission and all the stake presidents and Elder Meredith, the Area 70.  And since i'm chilling with the ZL's i went.  It was a good meeting, it was mainly just about goal's for the mission and such.
We also had this "Meet the Mormons" night at our church which was great, we had i think over 20 investigators there.  President Andersen spoke, and then Brother Halverson spoke... Brother Halverson is the CES guy for the area and holy cow....  He was incredible.  He did a Q&A thing after his presentation which he blew away everyone with.  He's one of the smartest people about the gospel that i think I've ever met!  So it was great listening to him
As for what will happen with where i'll be after this whole thing gets done.  I'll be going back to Murray most likely sometime next week. 
That's all for now folks!
Love Ya'll!
-Elder Martin

Week 76.5

Sooo uhh, crazy crap happened today and i just found out that i'm getting ET'd tomorrow to Gallatin TN to be a zone leader for a couple of weeks while the guy i'm replacing is getting surgery and recovering from a knee or ankle or something.  

Thought i'd let ya'll know

Love ya'll

-Elder Martin

Week 76

Hello everyone!

This past week was pretty good.  On monday we went to the Greene family's for dinner.  They also are really good friends with our most progressing investigator who lives with them, Jessi.  So we had a really good visit with them, good lesson and everything.  But whilst we were talking to them we found out that Sis. Greene dated Billy ray Cyrus back in the day!   Haha, so that was pretty crazy.

We have been getting a good bit of snow and rain and ice here, and its so funny cause we have a ton of people cancel on us because they think the roads are too bad for us to drive on.  They totally aren't that bad at all but they insist on us not driving out to them.  Haha.

In other news we have Interviews this thursday.  At interviews we are getting our own iPad mini's! So that'll be sweet!  Do you have your iPads yet cameron?!  HA!  didn't think so, but then again i'm not sure because you haven't sent me an email in like a month.

But it was actually a pretty slow week due to the weather and errbody canceling on us.

We get to go play volleyball today though, so hopefully that'll be good and we actually get to play.

Welp, that's all for now.

Love Ya'll
-Elder Martin

Week 75

Well, first week in Murray was pretty crazy!

But first, the day of transfers... we couldn't get a ride to transfer meeting (Which was uber lame) so we had to drive ourselves...  so 320 miles (round trip) later we made it. 

We had district meeting in Paris TN, which is a pretty small town too, but they have an eiffel tower replica which is pretty neat!

Anywho, so every thursday we do service at this old folks home nearby, Its pretty funny going there... Old people are so crazy.  Its great for self-esteem though!  Cause you go in there and every single old lady is hitting on you... haha.  It smells real bad like old people though.

And then on friday morning we call this guy, Bro Steinfeld, to see if we can come and see him.
"Hey Bro. Steinfeld, how are ya!?
Not good at all, i just had a stroke last night."  .... What the heck!? 
"Oh no! have you been to a hospital?"
'I don't go to hospitals..." 
'Bro steinfeld, thats sounds pretty serious, we think you should probably go get it looked at!" 
'Nah, i'm alright... i'll make it."  
"you sure you're alright?"
'Well, i cant see, and i can't talk right... but i'll be fine." 

And by the way, this guy apparently wants to die, like he's just tired of being around nowadays, its a sad situation.   
So anyways, we set up an appt. with him at 230 that afternoon to see if he's alright and give him a blessing.  But we get a call around 1 cause someone needed help moving, so we go help them move and we don't get done till about 4, so we go see bro steinfeld a little later then we had planned.  
so we get there

Knock knock, then after a couple of minutes he finally answers.
"Its too late... i cant do it anymore." so that was Super sad
Then we talk for a bit he invites us in after saying that we cant come in, he refuses a blessing. and after a bit we leave.
Well, the next day he calls and he sounds alot better and he wants to come and give him a blessing now.  So we do.  But at the end he was like You guys wanna learn a cool secret handshake? 
"sure why not"  This guy is just a old crazy man so we decide to humor him.
so he takes elder evans' hand and does 2 of the temple hand shakes?!?! Elder evans is just so taken aback by it all he doesn't even know what to do.  It was soooo crazy weird!  Crazy times in murray.

Well, i guess that'll be all for this week

Love Ya'll!

-Elder Martin

Week 74

Getting transfered again... there's nothing worse then only staying 1 transfer in an area. Especially one you like, also especially one who's work is finally picking up. But thats the story of my mission... Other then that though, we went back to bardwell and saw some of the peeps from this last round, and all of them that we saw were super open and we have return appointments with them all this thursday! which is Awesome. Wayne and Brittany still want us to come over and talk to them, but they are super busy so they always have to cancel last minuteish, lame. well, Love ya'll -elder martin