Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 82

Hey Howdy!

This week was pretty good, We've done alot more walking this week due to low miles for our car, but it's good with the somewhat decent weather.  So as a result we've talked to alot of new people.  Several of which this week have laughed because of our message, Elder Allen doesn't like that very much.  But they'll be judged for how the accept of reject the books given us from God.  

On thursday, we go to the old folks home and do some service there every week... And man, old people are pretty funny...  But at the same time old people creep me out.  This thursday we get to play Uno with them :) i'm going to DOMINATE!!! My skill and prowess at uno is unmatched, these oldies won't know what hit 'em.

So We had this Dessert Auction thing for a fundraiser for the youth here.  It was pretty fun, a few people gave us some money to use in the auction, we just pocketed it.      Haha nah jk...  But the pie we got we gave to our neighbor who just moved in.  So hopefully that'll soften their hearts enough to listen to our message.

So like i said last week, we both had to give talk's yesterday, it was like a missionary Sunday or something, so we (as well as one other person) gave talk's about Conversion, such as conversion stories and just about conversion in general.  Well the first person told her conversion story and it took like 30 minutes or more, so by the time she was done there was 10 minutes left of Sacrament meeting, and i was the last speaker.  So Elder Allen goes up give's his talk for 10 minutes, Then we had a musical number that probably lasted like 5 minutes, so by the time it was my turn all the time was gone, i half expected them to just tell me not to give my talk.  But i got up there and said i had a pretty lengthy talk prepared, Because i did... I had like a 20 minute talk prepared.  So i told everybody to just buckle up...  then i was like "nah, just joking' and said a quote from PMG and gave a real short testimony.   It was good though.

Welp, that's all for now

Love Ya'll
-Elder Martin

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