It is Christmas eve! And yet it does not feel so. For one, its like 60
degrees outside right now, and for two, I'm a missionary! We just had a
Zone Conference the other day and talked about kinda what our Christmas
should be like as a missionary. And it should frankly be the Best
Christmas Ever, or maybe next years... As a missionary I will be able
to focus more on what the real meaning of Christmas is really all about
and i'm super excited for that, as well as to try and share that with
others! And then there was that talk in the Ensign from Elder Holland
which was tailored for missionaries pretty much, that was pretty sweet.
Anyways, P-days are alot more boring without the Spanish
Elders here. Oh and it seems like some of you think i got a new area,
but i kept it.... We just got more added on is all.
Thank you so much to all those who sent stuff! at least some people love me...
Well Shoot! i don't really have too much to say since we'll be talking tomorrow via Skype...
So until then!!!
-Elder Martin
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