Elder Casey Martin

Elder Casey Martin
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 13

Okay so this has been an interesting week,  i accidently bought $10 of
pumpkin fudge (Which was actually Really good), seen some crazy people
and saw some more crazy people!

on tuesday we got a call from someone who moved down to Lewisburg from
Murfreesboro who had talked with the elders there, they gave him our
number when they knew he was moving.  So he calls us up and tells us
to go down to where he works so he can get to know us a bit better,
and all is well and dandy until the prayer.
First we hold hands, (he's one of Those people) and Elder Freeze says
the prayer, during which he starts mumbling things like "Yes Lord"
"Ummm hmmm!" 'Oh yeah, thats right Lord" and stuff like that.  But
once Elder freeze is done he Immediatly starts his own prayer, which
caught me off guard and I almost couldn't keep myself from laughing
from the whole thing!  his prayer consisted of "Yes Father God, We
thank thee Father God, For this day Father God"  He said "Father God"
at least 50 times....

So when we finally get away, we go what we call "Thomas'ing"  We go
around talking to people Thomas feels like we should see.  It actually
works really well.  Thomas is the guy who is on Fire with the gospel
who we baptized my second week here.  And we run into this guy (Randy)
who is pretty dumb and hard hearted, won't listen to anything anyone
else has to say, and he's a trinity guy, so we tell him what we
believe about it and he freaks out and starts running around in
circles with his hands in the shape of an egg over his head yelling
"They're one!!! They're one!!!  It's like and Egg!!! It's Like an
Egg!!!"  Oh the south... how you slay me.

So there's a new stake being formed over here, which we'll be in it,
and Elder D. Todd Christofferson is coming for it, and there's also
rumors that someone else is also coming! Someone from the 1st
Presidency!!! Hoo hoo!   that'd be Sweet!
There's also someone coming to our mission next transfer, Craig C.
Christensen i think his name is.  He gave a talk in Gen Con!  So it'll
be a good couple of weeks here shortly!

Thats all for now though folks, Sorry!

Love ya all

-Elder Martin

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